Best Platforms for Beginners to Share Their Music

Music is such a big part of so many lives. That’s why it sometimes seems nearly impossible to get your music noticed when so many others are doing the same thing. But in the digital age, sharing music and connecting with other musicians is only getting easier. There’s not only platforms to upload your music, but to talk with people in the industry and promote yourself as an artist. Here are a few of the best places to share your music!

1) SoundCloud: It’s basically like a YouTube for MP3’s. This website is pretty intuitive because it has awesome widgets that allow you to paste your tracks elsewhere, and they have it to where people make comments on a particular time frame in your track.


2) This platform is essentially the “popular music discovery site.” Each day the website tracks the habits of millions of listeners to understand users and recommend better tracks. It will say like, “people who listen to this also listen to this.”

3) Reverbnation: This website provides a widget that allows it’s members to place content on web pages. It helps artists grow lasting careers by introducing them to industry partners, exposing them to fans and building tools to promote themselves.

4) iLike: iLike is actually the Internet’s leading social music service. Over 45 million share music recommendations, playlists and concert alerts. Like Reverbnation, it’s a good place to easily share content over social media.

5) This is essentially the Twitter of music. When you sign up, you become a “DJ,” and you can create a live playlist by “blipping” a song as it comes into your head. You’ll start to see a sort of news feed of songs that your friends will have blipped.

6) thesixtyone: this is pretty cool in the fact that the website is sort of turned into a game. Users get experience points and rewards for reviewing and discovering songs before they break. This makes it fun to discover music and provides incentive to help new artists uncover themselves.


7) Bandcamp: A platform that caters mainly to independent artists, users are provided with a customizable microsite where they can upload and share music. You can listen to and buy tracks on the site, however there is also an option for the artist to provide free downloads in exchange for a donation to the artist or a free download when signing up for an email list, etc.

8) Social Media: Honestly, this one was a given. Upload your content to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, whatever you have to do! The great thing is is when you do this, it’s being seen by people who personally know you, support you and are willing to help share your content. It’s the quickest and easiest way for content to spread.

You can also start a blog like AMG! Create a blog for yourself, post all your content, and connect with blogs that are similar to yours.


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